About Wavelength

Hi there, I’m Emily, therapist and founder of this space, designed with the goal of meeting you on the same Wavelength in order to heal and grow in the presence of a safe and supportive witness.

Sometimes we can find ourselves feeling misunderstood or unappreciated for our individuality. We may even feel our uniqueness undervalued by some, and oversimplified by others. If you have felt these ways, this space is for you. Life inevitably gets messy, difficult, and even strange at times. On the other hand, life also holds the potential for so many positive experiences which shape us for the best. The purpose behind creating Wavelength was to hold space for all of life’s complexities, yours included, that feel too daunting to face alone. My hope is that by supporting your journey, you will bring what you’ve learned and grown through to those you love and create positive ripple effects.

I began my education journey with an Honors degree in Psychology from Ryerson University. This provided me with the groundwork to understand our human psyche from a research and evidence-based practice. I specialized in child development where I researched and published my thesis.

Curious to learn more about how our brains adapt to our environments, people, and circumstances, I pursued a Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health and Addictions from Humber College to gain counselling skills using a variety of modalities, holistic in approach and understanding.

Coming into a deeper awareness of traumas impact on the brain and behaviour from this experience, I earned my Master’s in Social Work from Laurier University in order to pursue the work I am doing now supporting those who wish to dive deep in 1:1 counselling.

In addition to my education, I am a true self-development nerd and love reading countless books on brain development, enhancement and healing. I am usually enrolled in some form of professional development training on therapeutic modalities to always bring in fresh ideas and interventions for my clients. The modalities and strategies that I deliver are offered from a place of self-practice because I believe experience is the best teacher.

On a personal level, I hold curiosity and open mindedness as values close to my heart. I think it is safe to say we have all had the experience of being judged, or looked down upon for qualities that we possess, values that we hold, or ways that we express. In our time spent together, we will gently dismantle these barriers in order for you to become more comfortable in your mind, body and spirit.